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  • Sound-Blocking vs. Sound-Absorbing: What's the Difference?

    Sound control is a crucial aspect of creating a comfortable and peaceful environment, whether it is in a home, office, or commercial space. Two common techniques used to manage sound are sound-blocking and sound-absorbing materials. While these terms may sound similar, they refer to different approaches and strategies for controlling noise, and they entail different soundproofing materials, too.
  • Understanding STC & FSTC Ratings

    Here at SoundAway, we're in the business of sound. More precisely, we deal with sound isolation and changing sound quality in specific spaces to best suit your needs. That space may be a large auditorium or concert hall where sounds need to be contoured to reach each individual section of the space, or a small piano practice room where sounds need to be attenuated to a volume low enough so as not to disturb individuals practicing in adjacent areas.

  • What Are Isolation Clips?

    Some of the most effective soundproofing tools are isolation clips. These tiny metal and rubber clips fit into a furring or hat channel and are used in decoupling to reduce the amount of noise transferred from one room to the next. However, it can be tricky to understand exactly how they work. Before we look at the specifics of these soundproofing products, let's start with the basics. How does sound move, and what is decoupling?
  • A Brief History of Soundproofing

    There are quite a few modern inventions that it would be difficult to imagine life without. Your TV, your mobile phone, and yes, even sliced bread are all fairly recent developments in global technological timelines. One other technological advance of the past that is often overlooked is soundproofing. While we may not always notice the effects of soundproofing, we would definitely live in a much louder and less productive world without it. Therefore, we’ve put together a brief history of soundproofing as a reminder of just how far things have come.

  • The Best Barriers for Noise Reduction

    When it comes to reducing noise in your home or office, the options can be confusing. Noise reduction materials are designed for a wide range of applications and making the right decisions can mean the difference between success and failure. You’ll need something that looks great, lasts for years, and fits into your budget. So, we’re going to go through a few of our favorite sound reducing products you can use to make the most of your home or work space.

  • Understanding IIC Ratings

    Impact insulation class (IIC) ratings represent a standard used in the building trade to designate the capability of a floor/ceiling assembly in a multistory building to attenuate sounds transmitting from one level to the next level below. Whenever something that produces sound occurs on an upper floor, whether that be a footfall hitting the floor, an object dropping or furniture being moved about, the amount of noise that's transmitted to the room below, called impact sound transmission, can be measured on a sound scale developed for this purpose.

  • Outlining the Difference Between Soundproofing & Acoustic Treatment

    Posted 12/16/2019 in General Understanding

    A common misunderstanding is that the two terms “acoustics” and “soundproofing” may mean the same thing, when in fact, soundproofing and acoustic treatment are totally different. Their only real similarity is that they are both methods of dealing with sound. To simplify things, we have outlined the differences between the two and addressed some common questions to help you differentiate.